Our Vision

Our Vision is to gather together like-minded believers who desire to encourage each other in love for the purpose of sharing the good news of the Gospel leading to an intimate relationship with God. This is accomplished in a loving manner by showing people the way to Christ and helping them to have such a close relationship with God that they will want to do the same for others.  This will be accomplished when each person sees themselves as a part of Christ’s body, a close-knit community, and chooses to use the gifts God has given them to work together in his supernatural love to accomplish his plan in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Our goal is to be His Church, His Body, a group of like-minded believers and not to think of church as structures and organization.  As the Lord leads, it is our intent to look to plant another church when the Lord provides the means to do so. We do not desire to grow for the sake of numbers to maintain a church that is able to gather together (Sunday’s) at a level that will encourage the intimacy in worship that we desire and allow for the ministering of more believers as we gather. Our aim is not to have a top down led ministry but to have a ministry of the saints.  Our Elder form of government is designed so that everyone should have a part in the ministry through our partners. Smaller groups would meet during the week to build up the community of believers to accomplish our purpose.  This would allow us to demonstrate His love, flowing through each of us, to new believers and the smaller community at a home or other location.   These groups would average up to fifteen 12 people and would be encouraged to divide and multiply when the group reaches a number of twenty 15 regular attendees.  It is important that we are listening to the Spirit, not the world, and then reaching out as Christ leads us as head of His Church.  We want to encourage and develop the “one another” verses from the Bible as a way of keeping our community loving, growing, and ministering as He leads.”